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World Radio Day

February 13, 2019

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Holiday Design Idea is one of our site features to help you create a design for your POD store. We have compiled a list of holidays or celebration around the world. These holidays/celebrations are taken from around the web.
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Occasion Description

World Radio Day seeks to celebrate the importance of the radio in improving international cooperation, providing access to information and supporting free speech. The day also serves to promote the radio as a means of communication in times of need and emergency. Radios are still the most readily available medium that can disseminate information to reach the widest and most diverse audiences in the shortest amount of time. The idea of World Radio Day was first proposed by Spain's Radio Academy in 2010. The following year, in 2011, UNESCO declared the first World Radio Day. Since then, World Radio Day has been celebrated annually on February 13th, a day chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the United Nations Radio, the UN's international broadcasting service, which was established on February 13th, 1946.

Icon Attribution:

Icon used in the design idea page was made by from 

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