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National Love Your Pet Day

February 20, 2019

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US Holiday

Holiday Design Idea is one of our site features to help you create a design for your POD store. We have compiled a list of holidays or celebration around the world. These holidays/celebrations are taken from around the web.
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Occasion Description

On February 20th, pet lovers everywhere observe National Love Your Pet Day. This holiday is a day set aside to give extra attention to and pamper your pets. This is a good day to focus on the special relationship that you have with your pets. Did you know that most households in the United States have at least one pet? While there are more cats than dogs in the United States, more households have dogs than cats, but not by much. Pets are not limited to the canine and feline categories. There are quite a few who prefer the companionship of birds, reptiles, fish or rats. Whoever your pet companion is, we are sure you will enjoy spending a little extra time with them on National Love Your Pet Day and reap the benefits, as well such as stress relief and lower blood pressure. So on February 20 (and every day) show your appreciation to your pets! Source:

Icon Attribution:

Icon used in the design idea page was made by Becris from ​

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